How Marketing Measurements Can Boost Your Business

Amanda Roberts
3 min readOct 1, 2021

How effective are your marketing efforts? Are you getting a good ROI? What is the most successful page on your website? Which social channel is drawing in the most leads, and which is the poorest performer?

If you can’t answer these fundamental questions, then you’re probably still relying on the old “spray and pray” marketing tactics — along with 74% of marketers!

And Im here to tell you straight up — if you’re not measuring your marketing, you ARE wasting time and money.

The good news is that when you start to nail your marketing measurements, you’ll be well ahead of the game.

Marketing measurements are an essential part of growing your business and stretching your marketing budget.

Let’s look at what marketing measurements are all about and why you need to get your head around your metrics asap.

How Marketing Measurements Can Boost Your Business

What Are Marketing Measurements?

Creating your content may flex your creative muscles, but marketing that content is all about getting your science on.

Marketing measurements refer to your analytics — the data you collect and analyse from your various marketing efforts.

This can include anything from the number of visitors to your website to the number of people who saw your latest Instagram Reel.

The science comes into play because these numbers are not static, and they are not reviewed in isolation. They must be tracked, watched, measured, and compared. The insights you gain from this information is then used to tweak and refine your marketing strategy: ie it’s a neverending loop of improvement and enhancement.

Why Are Measurements Important?

Without measuring your marketing, you have no way of knowing if what you’re doing is working. Sure, you can guess, you can adjust, you can take a stab in the dark, but you don’t really have any idea of how effective your marketing is.

This means you could be throwing your investment straight down the drain.

Measurements let you know exactly what the return on investment is for every aspect of your marketing. This helps you identify where you’re wasting time, energy and money, and what strategies you should invest more in to capitalise on their successes.



Amanda Roberts

I'm a Kiwi with a background in paid advertising. I love helping small businesses drive growth and a stronger ROI in their paid media campaigns.